Did you love this story or what?  Who was your favorite character and why?  What was the author's purpose?
4/23/2012 05:35:46 am

i loved this story!!!!! my favorite character was Coach Haskins because, he had alot of integrety and he stands up for what he believes in. the authors purpose of writing the script was too entertain the reader on how people where seperated and treated diffrently because of their color it doesnt matter about color we are all the same inside and out.

Romall Bolton
5/3/2012 07:00:21 am

i loved this movie

5/4/2012 05:56:37 am

Hey Ms.Mullins how is your new school I might see you at the field trip If I talk to my mom

Mrs. Mullins
5/17/2012 10:35:31 pm

Hey Romall -I do not have students at my new job-that makes me miss you guys even more :(

Romall Bolton
7/6/2012 06:05:29 am

I know everybody misses u talk to you later


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