Wow-that was fun.  What was your favorite attraction?  I loved the UP the best!
What did you like best about this novel?  Which character did you relate to the most?  Feel free to blog with me over summer vaca-good luck next year!
This was an important week for Americans.  We wrote a cause/effect piece on the death of Osama bin Laden.  What does Freedom mean to you?  What do
We leaned about Bethany Hamilton-the surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack.  She not only survived, she still surfs.  This is book is being made into a movie.  Do you know someone who has courage?  Please tell.....
Which 3 people would most like to research for your biography presentations?  Why would you pick them?
It is now the end of the 1st semester, and a lot of you will be moving on to different classrooms.  What did we do that will stay with you?  Maybe it was a story we read, play we acted, piece of writing, a poem, quote of the week, field trip, or something else.   
In Touching Spirit Bear the main character is a bully.  Cole Matthews brutally beats up a boy who snitches on him (he robbed a hardware store and then bragged about it at school.)  Does Cole have the right to attack Peter-do snitches get stiches? Or is Cole refusing to take responsibility for his own actions?  What makes a person a bully?  Is fightin 
East Detroit Public Schools is considering the implementations of a school uniform policy starting next year.  They have several reasons for considering this policy....prevents school violence, builds pride and community, saves money, prevents dress code violations, etc.  What do you think about this possible policy?  Please give a details and examples that defend your position.....
I hope you had a great summer.  Tell me about it and what is new-what are you looking forward to this school year?  Please remember to keep responses appropriate-I approve all of them.  Also-do NOT use last names please!